FTP Server Hosting


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FTP Server Hosting is an intricate technical job that requires a thorough study of the subject, and also practical experience. Besides that, you should have studied the hosting techniques of your competitors, as they have the practical experience of successes and failures. This will go a long way in protecting you against unexpected pitfalls. The server host should be able to store, share and transfer any type of files, texts, graphics, images, videos or music to any one, anywhere and anytime. For this, there should be a suitable client to upload, download and manage your FTP site through your Internet browser. After you are entrusted with servers to be hosted, you should be able to monitor the administrative aspects of the server and the site round the clock.

The site should have the provision for unlimited bandwidth so that there are no limits on the speed of the transfer of your data. The server-hosting site should allow multiple servers and Internet connections so that optimum network availability is ensured. It should be flexible in providing different download packages to various users, depending upon their individual requirements. Moreover, the different users should be able to set up their own user names and passwords to upload and download data without compromising the security of the content. It should specify the limits of access to different users so that they do not access the data which is not meant for them.

It should also enable the clients to create their own directories of information, allowing them to manipulate the files the way they need. It should have sufficient storage capacity on the FTP site at one time so that the website runs at a sufficiently fast speed. In case of failure of the hard drive system, the hard drives should be instantly replaced without wasting even a single minute of download time. It should also provide for backups and hosting multiple domains on one account, preferably an unlimited number of domains at no additional cost.

Comment (1)

Informative article. I have hosted my website with VPS hosting plan from TheWebPole.com This web host provides me a top class hosting service at low cost with 24/7 customer support. The VPS hosting plan from this host includes FTP access too.